Year: 2014

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to RSS Users!

    Dear Friends, Our team would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We thank you for using our RSS tools and looking forward to meet you all next year full of energy and espiration!   We would like to share our nearest development plans: RSS Reader New General RSS Feeds Generator…

  • Do Responsive Web Designs Convert Better?

    Now, we can safely say that 2014 is indeed the year of mobile. Smartphones had taken the place of desktops, laptops, and even tablets. And why not? You could have and do everything you need with using a phone. This also motivates Google to predict that by the fourth quarter of 2014, people will prefer…

  • What To Do With Old Blog Content

    Take Out Your Ax, Chop It Up Like Firewood and Keep Your Blog Toasty Warm You want to read articles from people who practice what they preach, right? Well, that’s definitely the case here. You see, this article is about repurposing content…and I’ve repurposed this article. Perfect timing, as the fall air turns cooler; autumn…

  • Black Friday – Cyber Monday 75% Off RSS Ground Deal

        As our Cyber Monday deal we offer to reserve your heavily discounted RSS Ground Pro membership at ever low price and lock your membership fee for years to come.   CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR DISCOUNTED RSS GROUND SPOT   DON’T WAIT… GRAB YOUR FULL AND UNLIMITED ACCESS TO: 7 powerful content generation…

  • Thanksgiving felicitation from RSS Ground

    Dear RSS Ground Users!   RSS Ground team would like to thank all community members for being the live engine of the service all this long. We hope it is the same pleasure for you to use our RSS tools as it is pleasure for us to develop them.   We would like to use…

  • How To Become A Pro Blogger

    How many people harbour the romantic dream of becoming a writer? Move somewhere down by the coast, spend your days tapping out those bestsellers on a little laptop, your evenings eating nice food and sipping fine wines? Ahh, it’s bliss isn’t it. Unfortunately, this isn’t the reality for many wannabe writers. Writing fiction is very…

  • Is Your TITLE tag Properly Optimized?

    Okay, it”s title tag time again as the SEO world is generally looking at this factor – the #1 factor most of us agree – as the simplest and best way to gain some SEO ranking juice. As you may know for years we (the SEO world that is) preached that if you want to…

  • 12 Things You Should Do After Publishing a Blog for Your Business

    After reading up on the power of content marketing, you successfully finished writing the most awesome blog post for your company blog. Now that your blog post has been published for the world to see, you may think you can just sit back and watch as your blog generates traffic overnight. “How could it not?”…

  • How Long Should a Blog Post Be? Myths Debunked!

    Here at Rank Jane we get emails about this all the time, how long should a blog post be? Does Google like me more if I have over 1,000 words? Do people pay more attention to shorter articles? I’m always confused as to why we keep getting these questions. I feel as though the answer…

  • No Time for Blogging? Think Again!

    Even as a content writer, I’ve always been a little on the fence about blogging. My hesitation with it is the same hesitation many of my clients have: Do I have the time and resources to continue to feed a blog? Guess what? You do! But it’s going to take some thought and planning before…