Year: 2014

  • How to Write Effective Blog Posts

    Corporate blogging is a different ball game than personal blogging, not only in its technique but in its goals and purposes. When I write blog posts on my personal website, I write about things that I feel particularly interested in or passionate about. I write about myself, and I try to relate my experiences to…

  • 101 Ideas For Your Blog

    Every business needs a blog. It is crucial to remember that content rules SEO, and without amazing content on your site, you won’t be on top of the rest! Blogging drives traffic to your site, as you’re creating more pages which will be indexed by Google, which gives you more opportunity to show up in…

  • Building a Network with Social Bookmarking

    The internet has become a part of many people’s daily life as they stay connected at home, at work and while travelling. Having different devices at different places it has become less practical to have a single source of information saved to a computer, tablet or smart phone. This has led to many cloud based…

  • 6 Quick Steps to Make WordPress SEO Friendly

    As popular as WordPress is as a blogging and website platform, the product isn’t exactly SEO friendly right out of the box. You’ll need to perform a few simple tasks while setting up your new website to make sure you receive the full benefit of SEO. If you’ve already set up your site, don’t worry;…

  • What Should You Call Your Blog?

    We have several clients this season who, having seen great results with a website we built and managed for them, have come back to us for another website. It’s hard to think of a nicer compliment. One of these clients said, “Let’s talk about blogging. We really didn’t do that with the first website.” Actually,…

  • 19 Effortless Ways to Improve Your Headlines Today

    “Five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” —David Ogilvy Over the years, the function of the headline has evolved. In the days of print it served the purpose of catching the eye. Then along…

  • 17 Major Main Menu Mistakes

    Did you know that your main menu is a part of your marketing? It’s true. What your menu says gives your visitors a small indication of what your website is about and whether or not they are in the right place. Main menu mistakes can lead to high bounce rate, low length of time on…

  • 5 Effective Blog Marketing Strategies For 2014

    I hear you loud and clear. You have a blog, you put up great content, but your efforts still seem lacking as you are not getting the results you want. Every blog owner wants the same thing: for their blog to be seen. Whatever type of blog you put up and for whatever purpose, you…

  • 5 Ways to Grow Your Blog Community and Readership

    The more relevant readers of your blog content, the more opportunities to attract, engage and convert those readers in your online sales efforts. Content marketing, brand publishing, media sites that blog, and consumer publishing are all competitors for the time and attention of your target audience. So how can a company increase the number of…

  • 5 Super Secrets: How to Get Your Blog 1000s of Email Subscribers

    I’ve been the CEO of a digital marketing agency for 10 years, and I would like to share 5 super secrets that our team uses to get our clients 1000?s of email subscribers. But, this post isn’t about how to write better blog posts. Let’s assume you already do that. This post is about how…